Nearby Landmarks and Attractions

Historical Buildings

HMS Belfast

Morgan's Lane - 0.2 miles from hotel

Museums and Art Galleries

Britain at War Museum

Churchill House, 64-66 Tooley Street, London, - 0.2 miles from hotel

Long Lane and Bermondsey Street, Bermondsey Square, London, - 0.3 miles from hotel

St. Mary Overie Dock, Cathedral St., London, SE1 9DE - 0.3 miles from hotel

Museums and Art Galleries

Design Museum

28 Shad Thames - 0.4 miles from hotel

Tooley Street, London, SE1 2JH - 0.4 miles from hotel

Historical Buildings

Southwark Cathedral

London Bridge, Montague Close, London, SE1 9DA - 0.4 miles from hotel

Warehouse Loft in London Bridge Amenities