Nearby Landmarks and Attractions

Train Stations

Ocean Terminal

Ocean Drive, Leith, Edinburgh, - 0.8 miles from hotel

Museums and Art Galleries

Bellevue Gallery

4 Bellevue Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 6ND - 1.9 miles from hotel

Museums and Art Galleries

Ink Tank Gallery

30 St. Stephen Street, Edinburgh, EH3 5AL - 2.0 miles from hotel

Museums and Art Galleries

Patriothall Gallery

off 48 Hamilton Place, 1 D Patriothall, Edinburgh, EH3 5AY - 2.1 miles from hotel

Museums and Art Galleries

Kingfisher Gallery

5 Northumberland Street Lane, Edinburgh, EH3 6JL - 2.1 miles from hotel

Hot-el-apartments Edinburgh Waterfront Amenities

  • Pets not allowed
  • Full-sized refrigerator/freezer
  • Free parking nearby