Nearby Landmarks and Attractions

Museums and Art Galleries

Bar Convent Museum

17 Blossom St., York, YO24 1AQ - 0.3 miles from hotel

Historical Buildings

The Rock Church

12 Priory St., York, YO1 6EX - 0.5 miles from hotel

Hamilton Dr., Holgate, York, - 0.5 miles from hotel

Historical Buildings

Jacob's Well

Trinity Lane - 0.6 miles from hotel

Museums and Art Galleries

Alan Stuttle Gallery

50 Micklegate, York, YO1 6LF - 0.6 miles from hotel

City Centre, York, YO1 8BH - 0.6 miles from hotel

Monuments and Landmarks

Multangular Tower

Museum Gardens, York, YO1 7FR - 0.6 miles from hotel