Nearby Landmarks and Attractions

Museums and Art Galleries

Calton Gallery

10 Royal Terrace, Edinburgh, EH7 5AB - 0.2 miles from hotel

18-22 Greenside Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3AA - 0.4 miles from hotel

Monuments and Landmarks

National Monument

Carlton Hill, Edinburgh, - 0.4 miles from hotel

Museums and Art Galleries

Mounted Gallery

5 York Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3EB - 0.5 miles from hotel

Museums and Art Galleries

Huntly House

142-146 Canongate - 0.6 miles from hotel

Eastern extension of Princes St., Edinburgh, - 0.6 miles from hotel

Museums and Art Galleries

Bellevue Gallery

4 Bellevue Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 6ND - 0.6 miles from hotel

Montgomery 105 Amenities