Cowley Manor On a lake
Cowley Manor is a Independent hotel in Cheltenham . Based upon the quantity and quality of amenities offered to hotel guests, we rate it as a 4-star hotel. It is located at Cowley.
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2.0 miles from hotel
2.0 miles from hotel
3.3 miles from hotel
3.6 miles from hotel
3.7 miles from hotel
+441285821303 Stroud, Gloucestershire, South West - 4.0 miles from hotel
East Approach Dr., Pittville Park, Cheltenham, - 4.6 miles from hotel
Regent St, Cheltenham, - 4.8 miles from hotel
Clarence St, Cheltenham, GL50 3JT - 4.9 miles from hotel
5.0 miles from hotel
4 Clarence Road, Pittville, Cheltenham, GL52 2AY - 5.1 miles from hotel
5.6 miles from hotel