ALH Group Hotels Closest To Rosehill Racecourse Rosehill

Melton Hotel Auburn

163 Parramatta Road
Auburn, NW 2144
Near Qudos Bank Arena

Distance1.5 miles SELECT

Greenacre Hotel Greenacre

166 Waterloo Rd
Greenacre, NW 2190
Near Bankstown Sports Club

Distance6.1 miles SELECT

Pymble Hotel Pymble

1134 Pacific Hwy
Pymble, NW 2073
In the suburbs

Distance8.8 miles SELECT

Pritchards Hotel Mt Pritchard

360 Elizabeth Drive
Mt Pritchard, NW 2170
In the suburbs

Distance9.0 miles SELECT

Parkway Hotel Frenchs Forest

5 Frenchs Forest Road
Frenchs Forest, NW 2086
Near Warringah Mall

Distance13.7 miles SELECT